Welcome to . . .
Finn-boy's FastFish Temple
of Self-Gratification

{ This sight is, obviously, under heavy contruction!!! }

This section will have stuff which concerns me, my family, and freinds.

  • The primary thrust of this webpage is to feature information about myself, my family, and my friends. From here, you will be able to find out more about me. Whether that is good or bad, you must decide. If I had to venture a guess, I suspect I would be less than impartial on that topic. But like I'd said, as much as being about myself, I hope to feature my friends and family as well. We can thus all sit around in wonder, impressed with ourselves about how famous and popular we all must be, because of such a clever self-promotion as this. :) Like everyone else with a stupid personal webpage, this is almost an obligatory exercise. An unspoken edict, proof of which is observed on thousands of homepages worldwide.

  • But also, here is where I can display information about my family, which hopefully other members far and near, which I do and do not know, can perhaps benefit in discovering those connections which bind us together and make us "family". If that is something you might be interested in, then that's cool. But if not, that's OK too. Hopefully, something else somewhere on my site might peak your interest instead. But please, if you don't like it don't come whining to me, because as far as I'm concerned "that's just too bad!" ;P

  • This webpage is moving to its own area on the "FastFish at the North Pole" web-site. I want to use the same background and color-scheme as I have for my site's "root" index page. The plan for now is that this page will remain here as my "to-do" list, to which I will add links as I put them together. Eventually, when things flesh out abit, I will enforce a more formal layout on this section of my web-site. Eventually, this page will go away, so for the new section new links should be saved:

    "The FastFish Homepage" at "http://www.eskimo.com/~mwirkk/fastfish/"

  • Happy browsing!

    -MLW :)

Quick list of possible topics include:

  • And finally - all about me (Matthew L. Wirkkala)
- Brief History
- Family, and geneology
- Rants & Raves
- Sanctum Sancorum
* Kenny and Chris Chisholm
* Doug Carey
* David Conzatti
* Heidi Langlois
* Gwyn Glitschka and family
- My friends web pages
- My friends at Tech*Star, and Gemini Computer
- My favorite quotes (and signature file)

  • Making Beer and Wine
- How to salvage a wine experiment through distilling

  • Finland
- Get info on the Seattle FinnFest'99 on the "Virtual Finland" web-site.
- National History
- Cultural History
- The Finnish Language
- Finland Today

  • Alaska
- My fishing adventures
- TENRO (HQ: Vladivostock, Russia)

  • A section on our roles and responsibilities as free citizens as it pertains to:
- The environment
- Wildlife conservation
- Hunting and fishing
- Land use
- Our rights and freedoms VS. moral duty
- Gun ownership and related topics for the enthusiast ( incl. programs for download)
- Ethics
- The Pacific Crest Trail
- Links to related foundations and agencies

  • A section devoted to programs and games that
    I don't feel are getting their just recognition or support elsewhere:
- Laser Chess / Advanced Laser Chess / Fields of Domination (by Mike Duppong)
- Darklands (and the Darklands FAQ page by Alex von Luenen, et.al.)
- SSG's Warlords series: my own related projects, review, and links
- Brian Vodnik's titles: Vikings, Fields of Conquest ; Kingdoms of Germany;
- Jetfighter series: my own FAQ, guide "books", and links
- Power Monger: link to my review
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer/Simulator I and II
- Falcon series (links)
- FASA based Battletech, Mech Warrior, Mech Warrior 2, Mech Warrior 3, and Mech Commander
- Echelon (would be great candidate for an upgrade to modern platform)
- Yet more DOOM/Quake (and id) stuff (mostly links, reviews, ideas, and opinions)
- Kingmaker (board and computer versions)
- Shamot by Britton Enterprises (and other chess variants)
- My own programming projects (warts and all)

  • Aviation and Aerospace section
- getting your 3rd class VFR cetrificate

  • My sword (it's history and construction)
- Related links

  • Computer Topics, FAQs, and Links:
- Programming topics
- My systems, and reviews of equipment and programs I have used.
- Resources and Links

  • Geographic Photo Resources
- Some garphics of places of interest to me
- Links to the origional sources

  • Some of my favorite Humor
- Dilbert
- Monty Python
- Pat McManus
- Red Green
- Red Dwarf and Black Adder
- Bill Cosby (my favorite albums - on Warner Bros. Records)
- Peanuts
- The Farside
- Bloom County / Outland
- Beavis & Butthead
- Woody Allen
- End of the Road / Lake Wobegon
- The Superior Persons Book of Words

  • Excerpts and Samples from the following miscellanious topics:
- Von Glitschka artwork
- James Burke
- Sir Winston Churchill (my favorite statesman)
- Aldo Leapold
- Favorite PBS / Dicovery / A&E
- my 1970 Dodge Charger RT Special Edition (pictures, history, specs)

The End (for now)!

...back to Matt's FastFish homepage...

For more info, send mail to:
Matthew L. Wirkkala

This site hosted by:
Eskimo North

Or, send me e-mail to my workplace at:
Please update your address book if you've used:
"mwirkkal@walldata.com" or

Wall Data Incorporated

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FastFish web-site founded:

19 December, 1996 ...

... this page modified:

30 April, 1998.

Best experienced with
Microsoft Internet Explorer
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