"Oh, fishy, fishy, fishy fish!"
What's new, recently posted:
The first of my chess and strategy pages,
currently featuring Shahmot!.
The first of my Brother Cadfael site
The first of my Darklands site
Republishing in HTML of "The Historical Dracula" by Ray Porter;
- a 13 page document that I once discovered and printed but it's original URL has since disappeared. ... and now, the paper, URL, and author have been relocated!!! :-)
Republication, in HTML form, of "A Flyer's Ballad".
- I first heard this poem recited on a documentary about air combat,
- then again later in the movie "Memphis Bell about an aircrew of a B-17 of the same name.
"Finished" :-) , but not yet posted:
The first of my site featuring "Warlords", by SSG
Chess and Strategy Varients page:
incl. Laser Chess / Advanced Laser Chess / Fields of Domination (by Mike Duppong)
and spin-offs, such as LaserChess 98 by Chris Fuchs and Blue Carpet Software.
The first posting of this web-site's version history
Quick list of things to come:
A section on our roles and responsibilities as free citizens as it pertains to:
- The environment
- Wildlife conservation
- Hunting and fishing
- Land use
- Our rights and freedoms VS. moral duty
- Gun ownership and related topics for the enthusiast ( incl. a couple of programs for download)
- Ethics
- The Pacific Crest Trail
- Links to related foundations and agencies
- Population, Economics, Resources, and the next Century
A section devoted to programs and games that I don't feel are getting their just recognition or support elsewhere:
- Laser Chess / Advanced Laser Chess / Fields of Domination (by Mike Duppong)
- Darklands (and the Darklands FAQ page by Alex von Luenen et.al.)
- The "Warlords" series by SSG including "Warlords" (original and enhanced versions), "Warlords II" and "Warlords II Scenario Builder", "Warlords II Deluxe", "Warlords III: Reign of Heroes" and the upcoming Warlords III Deluxe and Warlords IV
(NOTE: these games have alot of player support on other sites, but I want to have one of my own, as well).
- Brian Vodniak's titles: "Vikings: Fields of Conquest"/"Kingdoms of England, FOC II"; "Kingdoms of Germany"; (and "Kingdoms of France")
- Jetfighter series: "Jetfighter: the Adventure", "Jetfighter II: Advanced Tactical Fighter" w/ "Operation Lightning II" (Mission disk 1) from Velocity Development and R.D.Technologies(aka Mission Studios); Jetfighter III, by Mission Studios.
- Power Monger
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer/Simulator I and II (what should be done as a follow-up)
- The Falcon series: from the Amiga, through Falcon 3.0x and Falcon 4.0
- FASA based Battletech, Mech Warrior, Mech Warrior 2(et.al.), Mech Warrior 3, and Mech Commander
- Echelon (would be great candidate for an upgrade to modern platform)
- Yet more DOOM related stuff (mostly links, reviews, ideas, and opinions)
- Kingmaker (board and computer versions)
- Shamot, by Britton Enterprises (and other chess variants)
- My own programming projects (warts and all)
Aviation and Aerospace section
Historical topics:
- Arthurian subjects and resources
- The Crusades
- Medival Europe, Middle East, Russia, China, and Japan
- Favorite figures (incl.):
- Vlad the Impaler;
- Ghengis Kahn;
- Merlin and Arthur;
- Robin of Lochley;
- William Marshall;
- Bertrand duGechlin(sp?);
- Robert III the Bruce;
- the Knights Templar (the Poor Fellow Knights for Christ of Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon);
- Alexander Nevski;
- Sir Winston Churchill(modern);
- Aldo Leapold(modern);
- and others...
- Castles of Europe and the Holyland
My sword (it's history and construction)
- Related links
- Get info on the Seattle FinnFest'99 on the "Virtual Finland" web-site.
- National History
- Cultural History
- The Finnish Language
- Finland Today
- My fishing adventures
- TENRO (HQ: Vladivostock, Russia)
Washington State University
- "WAZZU"/Pullman/the Cougs: my alma matta.
Making Beer and Wine
- How to salvage a wine experiment through distilling
Computer Topics, FAQs, and Links:
- Programming topics
- My systems, and reviews of equipment and programs I have used.
- Resources and Links
Star Wars / Star Trek / Indiana Jones / Highlander
Seattle Seahawks / Supersonics / Mariners
Geographic Photo Resources
- Dilbert
- Monty Python
- Pat McManus
- Red Green
- Bill Cosby (my favorite albums)
- Peanuts
- The Farside
- Bloom County / Outland
- Beavis & Butthead
- Woody Allen
- End of the Road / Lake Wobegon
- The Superior Persons Book of Words
- Von Glitschka artwork
- Brother Caedfel novels by Ellis Peters
- James Burke
- Favorite PBS / Dicovery / A&E
- Frank Frezetta artwork
- my 1970 Dodge Charger RT Special Edition (pictures, history, specs)
And finally - all about me (Matthew L. Wirkkala)
- Brief History
- Family, and geneology
- Rants & Raves
- Sanctum Sancorum
- Kenny and Chris Chisholm
- Doug Carey
- David Conzatti
- Heidi Langlois
- Gwyn Glitschka and family
- My friends web pages
- My favorite quotes (and signature file)
-MLW => The End (for now)! ...
...back to Matt's FastFish homepage...
FastFish web-site founded:
19 December, 1996 ...... Coming Soon! last modified:
30 July, 1998.